Here’s your weekly roundup of news from the club.

The Chew Lake weekly TT (Classic League) tomorrow: Two people needed for this week, at least one of you needs to have a car. Put your name on the rota here. If you might be interested you can reply to this email and we’ll tell you more. Also, more about the event here.

  1. Club Open 50 TT. One to plan a little way ahead for – it’s on Saturday July 6th and we need marshals and HQ helpers. Again, please reply to this email as I (Mark) am the event organiser.
  2. Club Open 100 TT. This one is even further out, but as it’s in the school holidays we thought we’d ask early. Emily put her hand up to run a 100 mile time trial for the club, something that hasn’t happened for several years. It’s also the only 100 miler in the West District, so we’d love to make it a big success. The event is on Sunday 11th August, and as it’s a long one we need a plenty of people to pitch in please. 
