Your weekly news round up and notice of events coming soon:

  1. Jon’s Mendip Madness report: “Well over 40 riders turn up for Mendip Madness. It was chilly a lot of the time, but base layers, arm warmers and a gilet was all that was required – no winter jackets. It was a superb day for everyone with the two Group 2A peletons never far part, and cross regularly with the Group 2C peletons. The weather was superb and plenty of cafe stops. Group 1 was obviously never seen. #upthesouth See you all again at the end of the spring summer season, for the repeat.”
  2. Big(ger) rides: Our Women’s Officer Olive rode the Dirty Reiver, a tough 122 miles! 
    Oscar Huckle seems to be panic training with a lumpy 188 mile round trip to Exeter.
    Mark Salthouse and Jack Josephy did the White Horse Challenge.
  3. The Chew Lake weekly TT (Classic League): Good news – we have lovely volunteers for the next 2 weeks already lined up! It makes it so much easier to run the event when we have confidence that it can happen. We’re getting quite a few riders from outside the club coming now, so we must be doing something right. The next week where we need helpers is Weds 8th May, so if you can, please put your name on the rota here. If you’re interested but unsure about doing it you can reply to this email and we’ll tell you more. Also, more about the event here – you might notice that 12 out of 17 riders last week were on road bikes so why not give it a go? Fast Tuesday riders – we’re looking at you!
  4. Club Open 50 TT. Still more helpers needed on Saturday July 6th, and we need marshals and HQ helpers. Again, please reply to this email as I (Mark) am the event organiser.
  5. Club Open 100 TT. Same again for the 100 – it’s the only 100 miler in the West District, so we’d love to make it a big success. The event is on Sunday 11th August, and as it’s a long one we need a plenty of people to pitch in please. Email Emily if you can assist please.

Event News